I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all information provided by me on this application is true and complete. I understand that if any false, misleading information, or consequential omissions of any kind on this application are discovered, my application may be rejected.
I understand and agree that if, in the opinion of KTTS, INC., the results of the criminal background screening are unsatisfactory, an offer of contract that has been made may be withdrawn or my contract with KTTS, may be terminated.
I authorize KTTS, Inc. to investigate all information contained in this application. The employers, schools, or individuals named are authorized to give information regarding my employment, character, and qualifications, and are hereby released from all liability from issuing such information.
I understand that I am applying as an Independent Contractor with Kim Tong Translation Service, Inc., and not as an employee of Kim Tong Translation Services.
In January of each calendar year, I understand I will be provided with a 1099 Tax Form, and that I bear responsibility for my own state and federal income taxes.
Please note: If you required the services of an interpreter within the last 48 months, you will not be eligible to apply as a KTTS Medical Interpreter and your application will be denied.